Michelle Eves https://michelleeves.com.au Weaver Of Barefoot Magick Thu, 03 Nov 2022 10:13:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://i0.wp.com/michelleeves.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-favicon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Michelle Eves https://michelleeves.com.au 32 32 221117745 Our Stories. https://michelleeves.com.au/our-stories/ https://michelleeves.com.au/our-stories/#respond Sat, 17 Sep 2022 06:37:47 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1598 Our stories span the eons of time. Some epic love affairs, others filled with tragedy and pain. Some are quiet and gentle, others filled with love and laughter. More often than not they are mix of all genres! Filling our lives with the messiness and greatness of humanity.

Some of our stories are short and simple and some are very long, filling up pages in the book of life untill it is overflowing with our words and loves.

Each story interwoven with many others and with Fate herself. Woven with the threads of destiny, possibility and hope.

Our story is Sacred. It is the path we weave in this life. It is the path we weave through many lifetimes.

The story of life itself!

https://michelleeves.com.au/our-stories/feed/ 0 1598
The grieving Stone. https://michelleeves.com.au/the-grieving-stone/ https://michelleeves.com.au/the-grieving-stone/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2022 12:40:43 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1550 I rocked back and forth as I leant over the pile of pillows I was using to support myself. My womb was contracting in waves, just like when I was birthing my children. Although this felt incredibly more intense.

Grief and a flood of emotions and memories were pouring forth from the depths of my womb space as my body contracted yet again to push all that is no longer needed from deep within me. All that needs to be released back to Mother Earth. All that has been held safe deep within.

I see myself in a vision, another time. Both of us aware of the other self. She/me/we are bent over in the same position, me over pillows, her over the most soothing warm stone. A stone that was used for thousands of years, for thousands of women. It had been smoothed into the most supportive shape as each woman sunk into its warm support. Behind and around me I can feel and hear the gentle movements of the other women. Those who are tending the fire, stiring the plant infused tea, the perfect plant allies for me in this moment. The women sitting, witnessing, being, holding me and all I am releasing. I am aware as I moan and cry in pain and release, that within these women I see my sacred reflected back to me. They understand that there is no difference between a painful period, a miscarriage, a termination, a release of sexual trauma, a release of heartache, a release of deep grief. They understand the deep mystery and power of each Woman’s womb magick.
I can feel their tenderness, their care, their understanding, their strength, their deep knowing and their deep honouring of me as sacred.

This brings me to such sobbing, back in this present moment, where my pillows are holding me, my Husbands warm hands are soothing my lower back and hips and I grieve the circle of women. I grieve the sacred. I grieve that warm stone, the earth beneath my feet , the full moon above me and the light of the fire behind me.
As I grieve, I release…..

https://michelleeves.com.au/the-grieving-stone/feed/ 0 1550
Rewriting our story https://michelleeves.com.au/initial/ https://michelleeves.com.au/initial/#respond Wed, 20 Apr 2022 13:20:00 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1

Living out on land amongst commercial growers I have heard the phrase ‘competing for nutrients and water’ alot! The growers around us poison their weeds because of this belief, this story. While here on this organic farm the weeds grow up happily with the fruit trees in a symbiotic relationship! Proof that the competition story is not how mother nature works.

I see this old story of competition and war play out in so many areas of our lives.

When scientists observe viruses moving into a cell, all they see is the movement, there is no evidence of the virus attacking the cell, just movement from outside the cell, to inside the cell. So how do we know that the cell didn’t invite the virus in? Why have we over layed what we are seeing with a story of attack?

How many other experiences of life have we overlayed with these war programs, of attack and defend? Of lack?

There is a big story at the moment of a lack of food happening on the planet, just another big story of war and scarcity!

Is nature truly that scarce? Does she truly work to a system of limitation and scarcity?

My experience of nature is that its abundant and cooperative, supportive and regenerative! My experience of life is that it is all this! My experience of my own body is all this!

There are so many weeds that are edible and deeply nourishing, that grow abundantly and freely! It us humans that poison them and see them as less than and taking resources away from us.

A friend of mine planted a Bodhi tree in his yard, not long after the huge fig tree dropped one of his huge branches, a perfectly healthy tree just dropped a huge branch. This exact branch dropping has allowed a massive space to now become available for the Bodhi tree to grow into 😍 This was a beautiful example of trees cooperating and co-creating and honouring each other! A very different story to the one of war and scarcity 😉

Our bodies are a beautiful and magnificent ecosystem of their own, that then interweaves with all the other ecosystems on the planet.

How healthy and well can I

Our bodies be if we are holding beliefs of war and scarcity about our bodies and our individual ecosystem? We have set up so much of our relationship with our own body on a foundation of war and scarcity! We have set up our society and so many of our systems on these same war beliefs!

But what happens if we change the story? What happens if we shift our perspective to one of love? Of collaboration, co-creation and connection? What if our bodies are an ecosystem based on connection, support, regenerative and reciprocal exchanges? What if we view life through this lense of love, instead of war? How different would life be?

https://michelleeves.com.au/initial/feed/ 0 1
Censorship and boundaries https://michelleeves.com.au/censorship-and-boundaries/ https://michelleeves.com.au/censorship-and-boundaries/#respond Fri, 08 Apr 2022 01:17:00 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1542 I have been weaving deeply within my own experiences of my voice, me expression and all the suppression, limitations and wounding I have collected over the years.

This past week so much has been showing up around censorship and oppression. I have seen a few posts on social media with the intent to censor others choice of words and language, especially in the new age space! Which isn’t surprising as a huge lack of boundaries can show up in this space as people start to explore their spiritual layers. Our spirituality and relationship to our spiritual self has been suppressed and denied for so long that when we start to enter the new age/spiritual space, especially a space without rigid rules like religions use, we have to start to awaken and practice moving from being controlled, to self regulation and soveriegnity, and in this process we are moving towards healthy, strong, clear boundaries rather than the co-dependance and enmeshment that the system requires of us.

Censorship of others is a way in which we try and protect ourselves when we dont have clear strong boundaries and a deep connection to our own power and truth.

We seek to oppress the other so we can feel a sense of safety and power/control over what is outside of us, over another.

Censorship of language is one of the basic tools used to oppress others. It has been used for centuries to control groups of people. Disconnect them from their language and you disconnect them from their culture and make them easier to control! Once controlled the dominating group can then feel a sense of safety.

These patterns of control, oppression and dominance are showing up in all areas of our lives. They are showing up so that we can truly see them for what they are and see where we are not personally centered in our own power and truth, so that we can shift from those old patterns to new ways of loving and living deeply with life and each other!

When you are centered in your own power and truth, your boundaries are naturally clear and strong, you don’t need to censor and oppress another to feel safe, you are already hold a foundation of true safety. No matter how another chooses to express themselves you are not threatened! You recognise and know your safety comes from being deeply connected to yourself.

We live in the most beautiful planet full of an amazing array of people! Life loves diversity! We have been programmed and conditioned to believe that sameness = safety (monoculture), when the truth is that life thrives in diversity, within the edges of difference!

And so it is!

https://michelleeves.com.au/censorship-and-boundaries/feed/ 0 1542
6 years ago today and all the Magick since. https://michelleeves.com.au/6-years-ago-today-and-all-the-magick-since/ https://michelleeves.com.au/6-years-ago-today-and-all-the-magick-since/#respond Thu, 03 Mar 2022 22:05:00 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1645 I want to honour this day and the immense and deeply intense journey I have walked over the past 6 years.

6 years ago today I ended up in hospital being told I was dying and needed to start treatment ASAP to keep me alive.

I am still moving through the rebirth of that death experience!

And from such a traumatic event so much beauty, challenge, adventure, joy, bliss, love, intimacy and Magick has been birthed! So much more than I knew would be possible in this lifetime!

Over the past six years I have been so blessed. 2 beautiful, truly delightful and magnificent grandchildren have become part of my life. Gosh they are such beings of love, curiosity, cheekiness and Magick! I love them dearly.

I have also watched my own children blossom and unfold into more of their own magnificence! They have journeyed and transitioned into adulthood and motherhood. Seriously they inspire me and my heart and Soul are so full with them in my life! They have all experienced some huge challenges as they have also journeyed this deep and profound rebirth with me. Their lives have been shaken and turned upside down and it is inspiring to see them take these experiences and become even more of themselves and journey their unique paths with such awareness and truth.

And then there is Chris, the Man I have chosen to walk this Earth lifetime with, he inspires me each and every day! He has taken this challenge and death and rebirth journey and walked it so deeply and powerfully with me. The intimacy that we have cultivated and created through this is deeply nourishing. To witness him with such an overflow of compassion and love for our children, grandchildren and for me is a gift to witness and recieve. To see him awaken to gifts and wisdom he didn’t know he had is such a blessing!

I always knew this level of love was possible and to live and experience it with him, I am so very grateful and blessed!

Our life has unfolded and changed, deepened, so much over the past 6 years. We have slowed down, honoured our own unique paths in a much more potent way. We have sunk deep into Mother Earths arms as she has held us lovingly over the years. We have become stronger, clearer and more intentional. We have aligned more of our lives with our deepest desires. We have activated deeper levels of freedom within ourselves and our lives.

I have deepened into my Shamanic aspects, awakened healing wisdom, activated and remembered my death walking wisdom. Walked ever more gently and powerfully into my own magnificence!

I have fallen more and more in love with my body, my psychic/intuitive self, my purpose and my life!

I live more fully in ways I didn’t know or understand before.

I walk my unique path with a deep knowing of Life and Death that I was not aware of before. My remembering has been profound and beautiful!

And so today I deeply honour the fullness of this Death/rebirth journey. I honour what was, what is and what is to come.

And so it is!

https://michelleeves.com.au/6-years-ago-today-and-all-the-magick-since/feed/ 0 1645
Remembering your Sacred Yoni voice. https://michelleeves.com.au/remembering-your-sacred-yoni-voice/ https://michelleeves.com.au/remembering-your-sacred-yoni-voice/#respond Sat, 26 Feb 2022 10:10:00 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1648 Your Yoni is sacred and magnificent. She is powerful and intuitive. And she is can be very communicative!

I have had a couple of client sessions lately where we have chatted about UTI’s and my own Yoni has been feeling unsettled lately and so it feels like a good time to share some wisdom and weave some Magick in relation to our Yoni’s 😍

Often we are carrying some level of disconnection and separation from our wombs and Yonis. We are not often exposed to life where we are deeply connected to our bodies, our wombs and our Yonis! Although this is shifting and I have witnessed so many beautiful and powerful women leading the way with this!

Our Yoni is sacred! She is an Oracle and a profound transmuter/alchemist/creatress! She takes spirit, Soul and births it into the world. She takes the unformed and brings it into form!

When we have sex, she will ‘recieve’ what her partner is not aware of yet, or is hidden deep, or is not processing. She will take this and bring it into physical awareness in some form. This is to create, to manifest, to bring into being!

When we remember this ancient knowing of her power, we can create deeper levels of intimacy within our sexual relationships. We can create a deeper relationship with ourself and our own power!

We are being called to remember how to listen to her, to honour her as the deeply sacred portal she is. Her voice is sacred! Listen! Truly listen! Remember your ancient knowing! Remember this ancient language of deep connection with her!

What is she sharing with you today?

https://michelleeves.com.au/remembering-your-sacred-yoni-voice/feed/ 0 1648
Are your words cultivating Personal responsibility and Power. https://michelleeves.com.au/are-your-words-cultivating-personal-responsibility-and-power/ https://michelleeves.com.au/are-your-words-cultivating-personal-responsibility-and-power/#respond Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:12:00 +0000 https://michelleeves.com.au/?p=1650 Yesterday Russia declared war of the Ukraine. There is much fear of WW3 breaking out.

Even the words that I have written above are bypassing the truth. What is really happening is Putin is trying to feel powerful by controlling others and bullying others and those people in the military are denying their own personal responsibility and power and doing what Putin says and choosing to kill innocent people. We forget that it is people who hold up the system. Putin is not walking around with a gun killing people, he is ordering others to do that!

It is the same with the mandates! Covid didn’t lock down our lives, we did! We the people!

Those who are disconnected from their own divine power will seek to be controlled and as that feels quite powerless, seek to control others to feel a sense of power.

We are seeing clearly those who are disconnected from their power and how they are supporting the system of control.

And its time we stopped using words and language that not only supports the illusions and distortions that keep the system in place but that also keep us in denial of our magnificence and of our divine power!

If all the people in the military decided they were not going to attack others, Putin would just be seen as a raving lunatic, a man desperate to feel a sense of power, a crazy man speaking useless threats.

Our issue is not our leaders. They are just disempowered people who think that if they can control a person, a state, a nation, a country or world of people then they would finally feel powerful.

There is always the question and then the answering of that question. The system is held up by those who are asking to be controlled. Asking to be ruled over. It feels easier and safer. In their collective desire to be controlled rather than lean into their personal responsibility and power, they call forth those who desire to control and therefore feel powerful over another. And the system has been created to support this and cultivate this! It needs it to exist!

But power is never cultivated that way. It is only cultivated from within oneself. It is only cultivated through personal responsibility that is deeply aligned with natural and cosmic law.

We need to start using our words to reflect the truth. Our mandates still exist because people are holding them in place. People who are seeking control and power outside of themselves by regulating another. Our State leaders can say there are mandates but it is individual people who are implementing and holding them in place.

And we as humans have so many words we use to hold our own denial in place. To keep the illusions and distortions in place so that we dont feel where we are giving away our soveriegn power because fuck that shit hits deeply and hurts when we acknowledge to ourselves that we not only hurt ourselves but also contributed actively in controlling, oppressing and denying another human being. 😥

If we are individually all holding up the system through our own disempowerment, then to dissolve and remove the system we have to look within ourselves. We have to do the innerwork to come into a deep relationship with our own divine power, and from this place we will make very different choices. We would not only recognise but have been practicing choosing freedom, respect, honouring and love over controlling or being controlled.

I activate now all pathways, all intentions and desires of divine power. That we know and remember and recognise our deep, divine magnificence. That we know ourselves as the masters we are!

That we see clearly the words we are using and that we no longer use them to hold up illusions and distortions that keep us in denial of our divine truth, power and magick.

That we recognise and live into our personal responsibility. That we know how to choose and that we know we are free to choose.

That we know, recognise and cultivate deep levels of love, freedom, grace, honour, respect and joy.

That we know this on all levels of our being and through all times, dimensions, realms and realities now!

And so it is!

https://michelleeves.com.au/are-your-words-cultivating-personal-responsibility-and-power/feed/ 0 1650